25 Weeks Pregnant: The Sugar Cravings

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I haven’t experienced any of those bizarre pickles-and-ice-cream-type cravings yet. Once I got through the everything-made-me-sick first trimester, I moved into the always-starving stage.

For the most part, I’m predictably hungry, but I don’t feel queasy if I go an extra hour or two between meals. I’ve gotten better at the art of snacking, as well. However, my sugar cravings are SO REAL.

It’s not like I’ve ever been great at rejecting sugar. I blame my wonderful father for this sweet tooth! Growing up we often finished dinner with desert, and although I’ve gotten better about cutting back over the years (because I refuse to purchase junk food due to my cheapskate tendencies), I still love a good sugary delight!

And that, my friends, is why I’ve been hangering for sweets for the past few months. At one point in time all I wanted was straight Coke, but I refused to ingest it because nothing felt more lacking-in-nutrients than soda. But is this Mars bar bite really any better?

I wish I had some answers to curb these cravings, but I don’t. Good news is I’m “on track” weight-wise (at least the midwife didn’t seem concerned); the not-so-great-news is I still have to be on guard against gestational diabetes.

Fruit helps a lot, but let’s be honest. When you want chocolate, a cup of strawberries just doesn’t cut it!

But tonight I’ll nom the strawberry and fondly remember the Queen of Tarts chocolate cake slice I savored in Ireland over the weekend…best cake I’ve ever eaten!

Tell me, moms, what did you crave and how did you curb your sweet tooth? 

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